Words of Wisdom Best words of wisdom: “The secret of life is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” –…
America's Most Read — and Slightly Twisted — Historical Fiction Novelist!
Words of Wisdom Best words of wisdom: “The secret of life is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” –…
WAR and ESPIONAGE Best little known fact of history: Italy, early 1948. The Popular Democratic Front, funded by black bags of lire dispensed by the…
FUN PHOTOS Best homoerotic Midwestern recipe: Candlelight salad – a ring of pineapple holding an upright banana doused with mayonnaise. …
The best quip about critics I ever read was from a long-dead author whose name escapes me. “They expect that you won’t hit them!” My…
Creating a book cover is a lot more fun than creating a book, at least for this author. You get to collaborate, a pleasant rarity…