BEER and GASOLINE — An American Spy Novel by John Knoerle
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Beer and Gasoline
by John Knoerle
Giveaway ends March 29, 2022.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Beer and Gasoline designated a finalist in the 2018 Eric Hoffer Book Award competition!
This is a very satisfying read.
Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite
A standout espionage tale that not only delivers a riveting plot, but a stellar presentation as well.
Kirkus Reviews
If you enjoyed the mystical journeys of the magical characters in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, and Joseph Heller's Catch-22, they you will surely take delight in reading John Knoerle's spy jaunt in the desert, Beer and Gasoline.
Noel Anenberg, author of The Dog Boy
Beer and Gasoline by John Knoerle is a kick and a half in the spy genre. Read, enjoy, laugh...and send kudos to author Knoerle.
Al Secunda, author of The 15-Second Principle
Beer and Gasoline is the kind of book you can’t bear to put down, and then regret when the last page is read.
Jack Magnus, Readers' Favorite
OPERATION: Beer and Gasoline
The top-secret facility perched in a remote part of the Mojave Desert is known as Camp X. It's a high-walled compound bristling with antennas and satellite dishes, and is the brainchild of James Jesus Angleton, the long-serving CIA Chief of Counterintelligence.
Angleton dispatches his most trusted aide, posing as US Army Lt. Dick Nolan, to Needles, California, to investigate the strange death of the man who disposed of Camp X's highly-classified refuse.
Lt. Nolan's initial inquiry indicates that the trash hauler's 'accidental' death was an elaborate KGB assassination. However, further investigation with a maverick crew of desert locals, suggests otherwise.
As the bizarre story of Camp X unfolds, Lt. Nolan begins to suspect that his boss may have succumbed to the demons that often plague the CIA Chief of Counterintelligence — more commonly known as The Paranoid in Chief.